naïve to cultured

with eyes open wide

Check this out: Rethinking Corporate Pay Structure


This got a ton of attention a few months ago, but I wanted to catalog it here too.

It’s a bit sickening to think of the pay disparity in the world. I will never be able to understand how Human Resource managers and executives can sleep at night knowing the huge difference that entry-level employees and executives make, not to mention knowing that oftentimes women make less than men even in the same position and with the same experience.

It seems to be the mentality of “how things have always been done” since it really isn’t rational or logical. Of course there should be a pay difference from entry-level and executives and of course a line-worker has much different job responsibilities than an executive, but does it really need to be SO great of a difference? The answer is no. Effectively, the top executives are robbing the company just because they can and no one can tell them otherwise.

Thankfully this man, Dan Price, has his head on straight and is engaging in a more equal pay structure for his company. Let’s hope others catch on!

One Company’s New Minimum Wage: $70,000 a Year –

What's your opinion?


This entry was posted on July 10, 2015 by in Minority Race/Poor/Indigenous Rights.
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